Monday, January 13, 2014

Taming the two's

Don't we wish that was true! Taming the twos. It's late in the home and that seems to be the best time to get things done is while the kids, including the husband sleep. So here I am with you all! Break out the hot tea my friends and lets do some talking. 
One of my friends was asking me how do I figure out my toddler? Starting around the two age and up they are discovering who they are. Yes it will be time to pick and chose battles, deal with tattle tales, hitting, bitting. They are learning who they are, the buttons they can push, and learning how to communicate. Which this will be till we are old and grey. I think even as adults we are still learning how to communicate. Don't you agree? 

So how do we figure out those toddler years? Remember they are learning who they are just as we as parents are trying to do the same. My rule of thumb is to stay FIRM. If you say ok Jack one more time, then he doesn't listen and you say, one more time….. I gave my toddler the scope. If you disobey me Jack, when I asked you not to jump on the couch you will have to sit on the floor. I usually ask them to repeat what I said that way I know they are listening to me. Be FIRM! It will pay off when they are older.  Have you heard of the 5 Love Languages? They have a test on line that you can do. 5 Love Languages has taught me so much about myself, husband, children and friends. Having a toddler and trying to find their love language is going to be a little harder because you are going to really have to watch them. I figured out that my little Ellie loves the gift of touch. She wants to be held, and have her back rubbed or feet. My oldest was always about words. I would write notes or when she was little I would draw her pictures and put them in her room. My son is  service because I can remember one day when he asked me to put up some things in his room and I did and he was so happy. He is the first to thank me for anything I do for him or the girls. I put a chart on here. Once you know how to communicate the "Love Language" it will make your relationship so much better! What do you think your toddlers love language is? Let me know. 

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